The manufacturing excellence of Larian companies on display in Rome

From September 24th to October 11th guest at the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy

Lake Como will be the protagonist in Rome in an exhibition that celebrates the know-how of Larian companies and OMB will be present with some of its products. At Palazzo Piacentini, headquarters of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, the “Made in Lake Como” exhibition will be held from 24 September to 11 October, an initiative aimed at promoting the productions that characterize the provinces of Como and Lecco.


Fornitore Offresi 2024

With enthusiasm and desire to present the new technologies introduced in the company, OMB invites you to visit the event of “Fornitore Offresi 2024”.
Three days of meetings where subcontracting companies from the machining industry will be showcasing their work and building new business relations.
An opportunity to promote excellence in the mechanical field and boost synergies between different companies that complement one other in building a strong “know-how” heritage that is well-known and appreciated all around the world.

Come and meet us at Fornitore Offresi 2024, we’ll be waiting for you at Pavilion B – Booth n. 254.



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Meet OMB at Fornitore Offresi 2023

With enthusiasm and desire to present the new technologies introduced in the company, OMB invites you to visit the event of “Fornitore Offresi 2023”.
Three days of meetings where subcontracting companies from the machining industry will be showcasing their work and building new business relations.
An opportunity to promote excellence in the mechanical field and boost synergies between different companies that complement one other in building a strong “know-how” heritage that is well-known and appreciated all around the world.

Come and meet us at Fornitore Offresi 2021, we’ll be waiting for you at Pavilion B – Booth n. 254.



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Meet OMB at Fornitore Offresi 2022

After the delay of the 2021 edition, here at OMB we are more excited than ever to be participating as exhibitors in the 2022 edition of “Fornitore Offresi“!
Three days of meetings where subcontracting companies from the machining industry will be showcasing their work and building new business relations.
An opportunity to promote excellence in the mechanical field and boost synergies between different companies that complement one other in building a strong “know-how” heritage that is well-known and appreciated all around the world.

Come and meet us at Fornitore Offresi 2022, we’ll be waiting for you at Pavilion BBooth n. 255!


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Meeto OMB at Fornitore Offresi 2020

OMB will be present at FORNITORE OFFRESI 2020, HALL B, STAND 254. Three days of meetings where subcontracting companies in the mechanical sector promote their capabilities and establish new business relationships. An opportunity to spread the skills of a sector also strong in synergies between different and complementary companies. An innovative and business event in which Italian and foreign companies, looking for excellent skills in the field of mechanical processing, have the opportunity to get to know subcontracting companies, which combine high technical capacity with versatility and flexibility towards the needs of the customer; an excellent wealth of skills and “know-how” recognized and appreciated throughout the world.


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La prima festa delle Imprese premia la Lecco del lavoro

Premi e menzioni per le aziende con i risultati migliori 

Giovedi 05 dicembre 2019 nella sede lecchese di Confindustria Lecco e Sondrio, in occasione della prima edizione lecchese della “Festa delle imprese”, sono state premiate 17 imprese del nostro territorio e tra queste la O.M.B. SNC di BONGIOVANNI & C. .

La OMB, con sede in MANDELLO del LARIO, è giunta alla soglia dei suoi 40 anni di attività. E’ una azienda tecnologicamente all’avanguardia impegnata quotidianamente in un’attività di ricerca e sviluppo nella quale si avvale della collaborazione di partner importanti e qualificati come il DIPARTIMENTO di MECCANICA del POLITECNICO di  MILANO. Grazie a queste partnership con società, università e studi tecnici di progettazione e grazie alle elevate competenze del team aziendale, la OMB è in grado di supportare il cliente a 360°.

Scarica l’articolo ›

Meet OMB at Fornitore Offresi 2019

OMB will be present at FORNITORE OFFRESI 2019, HALL B, STAND 204. Three days of meetings where subcontracting companies in the mechanical sector promote their capabilities and establish new business relationships. An opportunity to spread the skills of a sector also strong in synergies between different and complementary companies. An innovative and business event in which Italian and foreign companies, looking for excellent skills in the field of mechanical processing, have the opportunity to get to know subcontracting companies, which combine high technical capacity with versatility and flexibility towards the needs of the customer; an excellent wealth of skills and “know-how” recognized and appreciated throughout the world.


In the last months, OMB has been involved in the retrofitting process of one of the biggest space  telescopes in the world. Screw driven actuators have been realized (see picture below) for the automatic regulation of the radius of curvature of the parabola. The “Large Millimeter Telescope Alfonso Serrano” is situated on the summit of volcano Sierra Negra in Messico.

International press review about the project:

Building an Earth-Size Telescope, One Station at a Time ›


Black Hole Hunters ›


Large Millimeter Telescope ›


Meet OMB at Fornitore Offresi 2018

OMB will be present at FORNITORE OFFRESI 2018, three days of meetings where subcontracting companies in the mechanical sector promote their skills and establish new business relationships. An opportunity to spread the skills of a sector also strong in synergies between different and complementary companies. An innovative and business event in which Italian and foreign companies, looking for excellent skills in the field of mechanical processing, have the opportunity to get to know subcontracting companies, which combine high technical capacity with versatility and flexibility towards the needs of the customer; an excellent wealth of skills and “know-how” recognized and appreciated throughout the world.